Engineering Management Coach

Management is a fundamentally different job than software engineering and requires a whole new suite of skills. Managing other managers can be another challenging step, as learning how to lead indirectly without hands-on engagement can feel like a loss of control.

Leadership coaching can help you grow more quickly in your management career, expand your experience, and solve your problems more quickly. Ask about whether a custom coaching engagement could qualify under your company’s existing Learning and Development program.

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Stronger One-on-Ones

Are you finding it difficult to connect with some of your direct reports? Are you not getting the information you need from people? Do you struggle with how to coach or grow some of your reports? I can help you build high trust relationships with your entire team. I can workshop specific solutions for you to implement if you are experiencing management challenges with specific reports.

Difficult Conversations

Are you nervous about how to approach a difficult conversation? Ignoring problematic behavior from a particular person on your team undermines your trust with high-performing individuals and can weaken team bonds. Learn how to approach these challenges with compassion. Gain the skills to turn difficult conversations into a valuable experience for your reports.

Effective Delegation

Are you struggling to keep your hands out of tasks that should no longer be your responsibility? Are you a manager of managers that struggles with knowing if your managers are doing their jobs effectively and whether your teams are functioning well? Learn techniques to help you better support your reports with their tasks while also keeping yourself informed.

Building Strong Teams

Does your team have skills gaps that need to be filled? Are you struggling to hire people that will be a value-add to your team? The strongest teams have people with a wide variety of skills and interests, so that strengths overlap and cover for each others’ weaknesses. Learn how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team and how to better identify a candidate’s potential impact during the hiring process.